Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hello fellow Corpsers and the like. It's been a minute or two since I posted. I apologize for being M.I.A. It's been a crazy time around here to say the least.

Back to the post at hand. I will be traveling with Andy Zipf on his upcoming tour, starting on the Jan. 18th-27th. Then playin at the Apple store in Vienna, VA on Feb, 2nd.

Some who know me might be saying, "Brad? He's the most musically uninclined person I know? What could he be doing on a band tour?" Well, funny you should ask. The tour is actually a collaboration between Andy Zipf, Pete Lim and myself. It's a visual tour, as well as an audible. That's really all I am at liberty to say. I promise you, it'll be a show not to miss.

We will be staying night with a Mr. Dave Hodge in our travels between the Iowa show and Indiana. Hope to see some of you out there at some of the different dates!

For tour info and the likes, please visit:

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